Testimonials from our climbers
Our webpage is only in english up to this day, however we operate in french, german, english and spanish. The testimonials from our climbers reflect their native language. We did not translate them. Please ask if you would like to privately contact one of them.
Alain & Calîna CH - september 2013
« Notre voyage en Bolivie a été merveilleusement organisé. Un programme progressif en intensité nous a permis de nous acclimater facilement. Nous avons pu faire tous les sommets prévus, ceci en grande partie grâce à notre fabuleux guide Cecilio, très sympathique et très professionnel.
Notre dernière excursion de 5 jours à l’Ancohuma a été rude mais fantastique. Nous avions heureusement des mules, puis des porteurs pour rendre ces étapes possibles. Les personnes rencontrées ont été chaleureuses et sympathiques, malgré un climat parfois hostile. Le muletier laissait le temps à ses bêtes de monter, sans les presser, ce que nous avons apprécié.
La météo n’a pas été au beau fixe mais notre équipement était prévu en conséquence, de même que la quantité de vivres qui nous accompagnait.
A cette altitude, ce n’est pas la faim qui domine, mais il y avait de quoi faire au cas où… Et quel plaisir d'atteindre un sommet de 6400m dans de si bonnes conditions!
Bref, un super voyage ! Nous sommes rentrées fatigués mais heureux, et disons un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont permis sa réalisation. En tant que grands voyageurs et passionnés de montagne, nous ne pouvons que recommander un voyage en Bolivie, organisé par Andeanascents. »
Alain et Calîna, 24 août au 14 septembre 2013
Florent & Sylvie CH - july 2013
Un énorme MERCI à toute l'équipe de Andean Ascents pour leur compétence, joie de vivre communicative et cette expédition inoubliable. Il s'agissait de notre première expérience de haute montagne et après cette aventure un seul sentiment se dégage: ON VEUT RECOMMENCER!
Christof LI - August 2013
Das ist eine super Website mit fantastischen Bildern!Ich werde dich sehr gerne weiter empfehlen. Ich bin sehr stolz, dass wir Illimani und Huyana Potosi geschafft haben. Das war für mich ein Highlight. Vielen Dank für deine Führung. Die Reise wird mir als tolles Erlebnis immer sehr gut in Erinnerung bleiben.
Janine CH - july 2013 - travelling from the Andes to the Amazonas
"Là, on est retourné du l'Ancohuma: fatiguant, impressionant, inoubliable!!! Mais on ne s'arrête pas: La jungle va suivre dans une journée! Déjà pour la montée du 6000m j'avais beaucoup de respect, mais maintenant j'ai les boules! La jungle: je ne sais pas comment je vais la survivre!!" Extrait d'un email du 20.07.2013
"Olala, dès que je rentre, on se voit pour que je puisse tout te raconter! Un email ne suffit pas! Les aventures dans la jungle étaint GENIALES! Comme un parc d'attraction à l'extreme pour des fous!" Extrait d'un email du 29.07.2013
Jonathan CH - november 2011
Je ne suis pas arrive en Bolivie en pensant faire de la haute montagne et pourtant j'y suis allé. ça en valais le coup : magnifique ! Que se soit lors de l'ascension classique du Huayna Potosi ou sur des voies plus sauvages, le materiel était toujours en excellent état et le guide très intéressant et motivant - chose plutot utile apres un petit coup de mou à 5500m d altitude... J en gardes des souvenirs inoubliables, merci encore.
Guillaume CH - july 2013
"Cette aventure de 4 semaine a été très intense et variée, autant en terme de payages que d'activités. Point de vue logistique tout roulait, bonne nourriture, bon matériel, bon timing (bien qu'assez exigent) et bon logements. Et surtout très bonne ambiance ! C'était une expérience inoubliable ! Merci ! ;-)"
Bruno CH - July 2013
L'ascension de l'Ancohuma fut une expérience exceptionnelle qui restera gravée en moi à jamais. En partant de Sorata, on quitte la jungle et la terre pour, pas après pas, rejoindre le ciel. Alex et son équipe nous ont organisé une expédition de pure découverte, comprimé explosif d'adrénaline, que je recommande à tous les aventuriers, sauf aux cardiaques.
Eva DE - September 2013
Wir wollen uns noch mal auf das herzlichste bei Dir für die vielen Erlebnisse und zahlreichen Eindrücke bedanken. Du warst für uns ein toller Guide!!!
Julia DE - November 2013
Heute Nacht ist es genau einen Monat her, dass wir bei Vollmond auf den Parinacota 6330m gestiegen sind. Jetzt haben wir auch wieder Vollmond und ich bekomme immer Herzklopfen, wenn ich daran denke.
Es war gigantisch und mir ging es richtig gut. Ich meine, ich hätte noch viel höher steigen können. . . (Wenn nur die Abstiege nicht wären).
Céline & Alain CH - July 2013
L'ascension de l'Ancohuma était notre première expérience en haute montagne et nous avons adoré. Les paysages étaient très sauvages et changeaient au fur et à mesure que l'on montait. Pas le temps de se lasser. Ce qui nous a particulièrement plu, c'était de se retrouver sur un sommet très peu fréquenté et de se sentir seuls dans la montagne. Les étapes étaient bien réparties, la nourriture excellente et variée, les guides sympathiques et à l'écoute des besoins de chacun. On est partant pour une nouvelle expérience!
Christophe CH - April 2014
Magnifique séjour de 3 semaines organisé par Alex dont deux semaines seul avec lui avec d'abord évaluation de ma condition puis entame progressive des ascensions avec acclimatation et enfin mon premier 6000m avec le Huayna Potossi. Il y a eu 1-2 passages quand même assez exposés alors assurez-vous de bien discuter le niveau de difficulté que vous souhaitez. Prix tout a fait correct incluant repas et transport et guide. Il m'a transmis la passion de la montagne que je vais m'efforcer de pratiquer en suisse dès mon retour! A faire absolument si vous allez dans la région bolivienne, péruvienne ou chilienne!
Joe & Hans US - August 2014
Thank you so much for arranging our trip and helping make it a success. By a success I mean that we had a good time, remained safe and accomplished our goals. I was able to summit all of the mountains and Hans was able to summit 3 out of the 5. Efrain was a good cook. The food was tasty and very adequate. Cecilio was amazing – the best guide I have ever had. He taught me technique that I had never known before. I’m not sure I could have summited without it. The driver was very pleasant and prompt. We bumped into Christian several times and he was always very friendly. You of course were very helpful and interested in every detail. We were very satisfied with our service. Thanks again Alex for making this a memorable trip!
God bless you my friend!
Jiri Pliska, Vlasta Pliskova - August 2014
Related to “the 9-days circuit”: Volcanoes in the South Lipez Region and Acotango 6050m and Parinakhota 6330m in Sajama NP
We are very satisfied with the services. All – Cristobal, Gonzalo and Beatris (the cook) are professionals. We also appreciate their friendly relationship.
The Cristobal’s knowledge of the local landscape was excellent.
All 9 days were fulfilled by a lot new experiences.
Thanks and best regards
Bradley AU - August 2016
Dear Alex,
Thanks again for a really good 2 weeks. I enjoyed the 3 climbs (Pequeño Alpamayo, Huayna Potosi and Illimani) and the visit to Titicaca/Isla del Sol was interesting and enjoyable. Your organisation was good, Nico (the cook) and Hilarion (uiagm mountain guide) too, and Estella Andina is a nice place with helpful English-speaking staff.
Who knows, I might be contacting you again sometime!
Neil AU - June 2016
Hi Alex
Thanks for the photos, they're great. https://goo.gl/photos/UAVVkKUgf3bbj1AKA
Also, thanks again for your organisation/logistics and your efforts in getting me to the top (and back down again)
Jess und Frank DE - June 2016
Lieber Alex,
Es war wirklich eine perfekte Reise und wir werden von den Erinnerungen und Eindrücken noch lange zehren. Danke.
Ich hoffe wir sehen uns einmal wieder.
fotos von der Trekking tour in Apolobamba
Jess und Frank
Olivier et Michèle CH - Spetmebre 2015
Salut Alex
Tout est en ordre et notre hotel est magnifique. Aujourd'hui, nous sommes allés visiter les ruines de Pukura et sa vue sur san Pedro. Très joli. Merci encore pour l'organisation de nos vacances géniales.
À bientôt nous espérons.
Olivier et Michèle
Lindsay and Jack Sayers US - June 2018
We just returned from a 16 day vacation in Bolivia with Andean Ascents. Everything was arranged by Alex and Paola, including a southern circuit tour (Salar, Lagunas, etc.), Tunupa climb, Parinicota climb, and Cordillera Real trekking and climbs of Pequeno Alpamayo, Cabeza del Condor, and Huayna Potosi.
Alex and Paola were wonderful! Everything about the tour was well set up, and they arranged fantastic guides and cooks for us. Both of them went out of their way to meet up with us in person in La Paz, and they were extremely quick to respond to our many questions before and during the tour. They were also happy to make several last-minute changes during our itinerary based on some altitude sickness and weather issues.
We highly recommend Andean Ascents, and we hope to make it back to Bolivia on another tour with them!
Madeleine Hack US - May 2018
My boyfriend and I recently climbed Huayna Potosí with Andean Ascents, and we had an absolutely amazing time! I spent a lot of time researching agencies and chose A.A. because it was the only company I found that works exclusively with UIAGM/IFMGA (International Federation of Mountain Guides Association) certified guides. Simply put, we wanted to have the best guide on the mountain, and Cecilio Daza, our guide, was the best. It is so clear watching him maneuver around the mountain and set-up ropes that he’s incredibly skilled. He’s a great teacher, and a really wonderful person. We chose to do a 4-day/3-night trip, which included both glacier training and a day of rock climbing near camp. Not only did we love the extra time in the mountains and learning/practicing climbing skills, but we also were very well acclimatized for the ascent. Summit day, while obviously difficult, was made easier by Cecilio’s perfect pace, encouragement, and expert knowledge of the terrain. I cannot highly recommend this company enough!! I’ll most certainly be using them for future mountaineering trips!
David Lakes and Kyle Horsley US - June 2018
A friend and I spent a few days in Bolivia at the beginning of this Summer. Alex helped us find some of the areas to go do some sport climbing in and then took us up our first multi-pitch sport routes! We had a blast! When our original plans got rained out on our last day in Bolivia, Alex had no issue with coming up for a back up plan for us. If the opportunity ever arises again to go back to La Paz, I will definitely use Andean Ascents for more climbing excursions!
Ludovic Petit CH - Mai 2018
Nous avons fait un voyage organisé de deux semaines avec Alexander. Très professionnel et grand passionné, il nous a montré un maximum de choses et emmenés sur deux sommets (pequeno alpamayo et huayna potosi) en toute sécurité. Nous pouvons que le recommander si vous désirez effectuer un voyage pleins d émotions et de diversités. Un grand merci Alexander Von Ungern.
Manon Troillet CH - Mars 2017
A recommander absolument : on a eu l'occasion de découvrir la Bolivie d'une manière unique. Nous revenons d'un trek de 2 semaines, avec notamment la traversée à pied des salars inondés avec nuits sous tente, puis l'ascension de volcans dans le Sud Lipez et le Parc National de Sajama. L'organisation experte d'Alex nous a permis de nous acclimater avec divers sommets et d'atteindre les 6338 m en se sentant à l'aise et toujours en sécurité. Ses connaissances sur la nature et la culture permettent d'en apprendre beaucoup plus que tous les circuits touristiques traditionnels.
En bonus, une immersion complète avec les habitants des villages de l'altiplano, et une bonne ambiance de groupe assurée.
We recommand, the best way to discover the Andes. We did a 2 weeks trek, we walked 3 days in the flooded salt flat, then we climbed 4 different volcanoes in the South Lipez and the National Park of Sajama. We appreciate the amazing organisation, we went step by step to finally reach 6338 m in a good feeling and security. Alex’s knowledges about nature and culture are very interesting.
Clément Larevière CH - Mars 2017
Holá !
I have been a month in Bolivia, first traveling 15 days with a group of 4 on the altiplano with Alex from Andean Ascents as guide, and then in the jungle.
The trip on the altiplano has been simply amazing, very well prepared by Alex, who organized a great mix of hiking and visits. In only 2 weeks, we could climb many mountains and important volcanos, and also see the main attractions of the altiplano, and all that always with fun. Although we have been few days on the same road than the normal touristic trips, I never felt it. Alex knows perfectly the country, and that is certainly why he makes the difference. Particularly, he has an excellent knowledge of the nature, but also of other topics like history or politics, and gives very interesting information while traveling or around a beer.
After the altiplano, I travelled alone to the jungle, I organized everything with Alex. Of course it was completely different, I did the trip with a guide friend of Alex. Again I was out of the touristic things and the experience has been also amazing, very interesting and fun.
Gerhard Jacobs SA - July 2018
I went to the Cordillera Real on a trip that was arranged with Andean Ascents. This was probably the best organised trip I have ever done, from the time of pickup to the end was perfect. The guide Juvenal was excellent and very experienced, with not only experience in Bolivia but also numerous other mountains in Patagonia etc, making it a delight to share stories with him. We had three course meals in the mountains, the best any of the groups had by far, fresh fruit and vegetables, tea and a lot more. I would certainly recommend Andean Ascents to anybody looking for an climbing guide no matter what your level of experience is.
Paul Froidevaux CH - October 2016
Hi, we also just did a trek with Alex . 2 days for huayna potosi at 6094m, 4 days of hiking/camping between 4000 and 5000 m carrying all material and food and cooking tea out of mountain streams, and 2 days around Lake Titicaca. It was a fantastic adventure and I recommend it a 100%. Alex is a real adventurer, the kind of guy who sleeps 150 nights a year in a tent, cooking pasta between lamas and vizcachas. He can bring you everywhere, always finding new routes. So it is important that you plan with him a trek that suits you well. It was sometimes hard but at the end we are so happy we did it and remain with fantastic memories of landscape, friendship, fun, and a lot of anecdotes to tell our friends once back home... and of course a new friend, Alex :-). Honestly, we will never forget that trip. No way to find such an intensive adventure on standard tourists tours.
Robert Wiedekind CH - February 2017
We went with the best guide I could ever have asked for. It was Alex from Andean Asecents.
Alex organized everything perfectly and in addition to the climb he also organized a trip to Salar de Uyuni for us (including transportation to Uyuniand back to La Paz).
Alex is a very knowledgeable and interesting guy (also speaks many languages) and made us feel save during the whole trip. I am pretty sure we would not have made it with another agency. I've been on many treks and climbs all over the world before, but this one was just extraordinary - thanks to Alex. He always found the right balance between being in "guide mode" and being fun to hang around with.
It's been a special experience I will never forget. Thanks for the many tips, the really good accommodation, the lovely food and your perfect guidance.
You can maybe find agencies that offer tours that are a tad cheaper, but if you go with Andean Ascents, it's money well spent. The material they use is of very good quality, you will learn a lot, enjoy great food and feel save.
Korbinian, Hubert und Gisela - September 2018
Liebes (Partner Agentur)-Team,
wir sind gerade auf der Heimfahrt von unserer Bolivienreise. Es war eine wunderschöne Zeit. Unser Bergführer Alexander mit seinem professionellen Team hat uns hervorragend versorgt und begleitet. Er hat uns die vielen Seiten seiner Wahlheimat gezeigt und tolle Einblicke in Kultur und Natur des Landes ermöglicht. Er ist überall im Land sehr beliebt und geschätzt, weil er viel für die Einheimischen macht. Besser hätte es nicht sein können, lauter Superbergführer, ein Spitzenkoch und zuverlässige, gute Fahrer. Wir haben uns zu keiner Zeit unsicher gefühlt, konnten flexibel über unsere Touren entscheiden und hatten die schönsten Lagerplätze. Die meisten haben 3 6-Tausender bestiegen, Illimani und Sajama haben wir uns fürs nächste Mal aufgehoben.
Ein ganz dickes Lob an unsere Mannschaft
und Euch vielen Dank für die gute Organisation.
Viele Grüße
Gisela, Hubert und Korbinian"
Alexander Heaton - May 2018
Amazing intro to Andean mountaineering on Huayna Potosi with www.andeanascents.com
We choose www.andeanascents.com run by Alexander Von Ungarn. The reason being all the guides in this company are International Federation of Mountain Guides association accredited. Important when there's inherent risk associated! (Don't scrimp on cost its not worth it. We saw other teams with cheeper guides in very poor heavy equipment not having a good time being rushed up the peak not in a safe fashion.)
We had a nice chat on the phone before hand with Alex who is super chilled and friendly which helped us work out a suitable itinerary for our level. I would recommend what we did an acclimation peak nearby before hand to give you the best chance. Iv done lots of alpinism but my girlfriend hasn't. So we choose this technically easy but still somewhat challenging 6000m peak. I wanted her to have a good enjoyable time, be safe and not be put off on her first major mountaineering trip. We were not disappointed. Cecelio was our guide he was great 10 out of 10. His English was very good and he is a very friendly and patient guy. The food and huts was top notch too. We’re both very happy with the service he provided. We got to the top which was really amazing and a great feat for a beginner group. Our only small criticism was the scarpa plastic boots were quite heavy and uncomfortable but saying that I think its hard for companies in South America to source new kit and scarpa vega's are the old solid Mt Everest boot after all! Apart from that all great. Amazing views, very good glacier travel technique instruction and we even did some fun ice climbing in our spare time. Thank you for our awesome trip.
Zoe Baer - Juillet 2019
Séjour créé sur mesure. Sur place: une équipe très compétente et sympathique (guides, cuisinière, muletiers, chauffeur,...) qui a rendu nos vacances magnifiques et inoubliables
Lucie Girardier - Juillet 2019
Les paysages splendides, le programme varié, la logistique au top, l'encadrement professionnel, les bons petits plats et l'équipement adéquat pour faire fasse à la météo capricieuse ont rendu nos deux semaines organisées par Andean Ascents inoubliables!! Un grand MERCI à Alex, Freddy, Franzisca, Cécilio, Pacifico et Paola pour cette magnifique expérience!!
Edson -September 2019
It was Sep 6th 2018 when I took a trip to Bolivia to attempt the Huyana Potosi summit. I make all the arrangements with Andean Ascents. The company is run by Alexander von Ungern, a young swiss german who lives in Bolivia since 2010. A truly mountaineering guy who prefers to spend most of his time outdoors. Nevertheless, I did not have problems to make the arrangements and get the answers I needed. Alex counts with Paola’s support, always online to help you with whatever you need. They also helped me to organize a short trip through Salar del Uyuni and region, which by the way was an excellent acclimatization trip. Alex often works with European and Australian groups. Apparently, AA works only with UIAGM/IFMGA certified guides. I made a private guided trip. My guide was Cecilio Daza, a very experient and, more importantly, patient guide. Cecilio was already pointed as the best guide in Bolivia by the local association. A very attentive, careful, conscious and caring person, not mention his technical capabilities. It would impossible to make up to the summit without his help. The entire experience was very well. I recommend Andean Ascents and its crew. I felt myself safe and in good hands all the time, letting me focus on my goal.
About the mountain, even though the normal route of Huyana Potosi is considered to be a PD level you cannot underestimate two difficult sections during the climb. They are not really technical but will demand a lot of focus, legs and lungs. The altitude also kicks in, 6088m represents 50% less oxygen, especially in the final approach, a steep climb to the summit. The sunrise is indescribable.
Chris Knight - October 2019
I’ve spent a total of 6 weeks over two separate trips with Alex at AA. They’ve been among the most rewarding journeys of my life. We’ve shared some incredible moments in the mountains, and I’ve learnt more from him on two trips than my entire mountain career combined spanning 2 decades. His skill level, passion for the outdoors and nature along with his willingness and desire to pass on his knowledge is what keeps me coming back. The trips are very well run and all the equipment is top notch. Base camps are comfortable temporary homes and the food is very good, special shout out to Nico, our cook over the two trips who always keeps us well fuelled using local, fresh foods, and who’s smile makes a day brighter every time you see it. My adventures with Alex will continue, and I consider him a good friend. Andean Ascents does it right, and have a true ambassador of the sport and nature in general in Alex. I’ve been all over the planet in the mountains and consider Bolivia my primary mountain love. This is entirely because of Alex and AA