Trekking on Acotango volcano 6048m - an easy 6000 summits when the wind allows it !
Acotango is just above the 6000m altitude limit. Furthermore our vehicles can drive you up to 5660m when the snow limit allows it. Walking up to the summit shouldn't take you more than four hours. From Tata Sajama village the volcano is climbed within a day, with the confort to sleep in a real bed, before and after the climb. Acotango is thus a rather easy 6000+ summit, yet very beautiful. You will not only find translucide sulfur cristal but also appreciate the view on the other gigantic volcanoes from the Sajama park. In march and April snow condition are good for skiing. From may to December the volcano is climbed on foot & crampons.
F, slopes reaching 40°
technically none challenging summit
Udo Kellner is happy to share his experience with you. Have a look to have a bteer idea of what our trips look like.